Sunday, May 28, 2006

I don't understand why life has to include so much suffering. Especially, it seems, more for some folks than for others.

The Buddha says life is full of suffering, and that suffering presents itself as an opportunity to learn.

That should make me one of the smartest people in the world.

I always said, "Life sucks, then you die"

I try to live a good life. I go to work, keep my house clean, try to get along with everyone, and the people I can't get along with, I stay away from.

I'm old enough to remember when people were more polite, more considerate, and less greedy.

What I see now is a nation of addicts-to drugs, alcohol, entertainment, porn, you name it-anything to drown out the mass sickness that is gripping the United States, and the world.

I'm so tired. So exhausted. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. I'm not old enough to be feeling this way, but going out into the world makes me feel that way.

And I can see that no matter how many toys people have, they are still very unhappy; their children are unhappy.

What can we do? I think it's time for some drastic changes in the world, including a huge downshift in population. Years ago, I felt that things were building up, pressures were building up in the world, but that there was still something we could do about it. Now, deep in my soul, I feel a weariness that is unquenchable. I believe that we have reached the point of no return, and that it's only a matter of time until the proverbial shit hits the fan.


Blogger MJW said...

Everything you wrote in this entry, I have written too, in one form or another, maybe not word for word, but definitely concept for concept. I too feel we are approaching the point of no return as a nation (and, hence, as a planet) in several different ways.

I hope you're not so burned out, though, that you won't be writing a new entry or two soon.

11:50 AM  

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